Showing posts with label celebrity block list. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celebrity block list. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Avoid the most common numerology mistakes! Celebrity block list

numerology mistakes
Want to get started numerology with? Perfect ! It’s a great way to get to know yourself better. Here are the mistakes not to make when you're starting out

Before we begin, let's remember what exactly numerology is, less well known than astrology. Numerology is a tool that uses the elements that make us unique from society, that is to say our birth name, all our first names and our date of birth, to allow us to decipher our personality Indeed, each letter of the alphabet is associated with a number (A = 1, B = 2...), after a few simple calculations we obtain one or more key numbers and each number has a very specific symbolism related to celebrity block list. Numerology allows you to know your gifts and talents, your life goals, to get to know your personality better and also to help you make decisions... If this area interests you, here are the most frequent mistakes to avoid when get started numerology!

Mistake number 1: Believing that numerology is a divinatory art tool

Numerology, is a decision-making tool, but it is not the decision, the individual remains his or her own master. This is why the expert called her method Strategic Numerology®. It is therefore not a question of predictions (what will happen) but more of a sort of GPS which gives indications on what is favorable to a consultant. Explanation. By calculating your personal year, you will have a precise indication of the "favorable winds" for your navigation. Sure, you can decide to go against the grain, but that's going to cost you energy. On the other hand, if you follow the flow of your personal year, it will be easier.

How to calculate your personal year? Simply add (and then reduce) the day, month of birth and current calendar year. Let's take the example of a person born on October 13. His personal year is 13 + 10 = 23 and 2 + 3 = 5, we add 7 to this number (result of 2+0+2+3). Born on October 13, this person will therefore have a personal year of 5 + 7 = 12 = 1+ 2 = 3.

According to the symbolism of the 3, it is a favorable year for creating, communicating, promoting personal development, and for starting something new, new actions. Now if the consultant prefers to "hibernate", nothing will happen. If, conversely, the consultant decides to take action, he will be carried by the energy of his personal year (this is very different from “here is what awaits you this year”).

Thus, each year a major theme develops, a special meeting with yourself and your personal journey: should I train? Change job ? Work more on my skills? Be bold? Celebrity block list?

Numerology thus gives an ideal orientation towards which we can go, it is not a question of forecasts for the year, like the horoscope.

Mistake number 2: Thinking that each person comes down to a single number

“How many times do I hear,” explains numerologist Lydie Castells, “I am life path 3”. We are much more complex beings with many ambivalences, emotional blockages, limiting beliefs, accompanied by a supportive environment. or not..." So, yes, the life path is one of the characteristics of each personality, but there are many others. To understand the complexity of each person, in a fun way, the expert has created the concept of the personal tree with 7 key operating figures and life dynamics. The good news ? The calculations are free and easy to do in two clicks on the author's website (see the references at the end of the article). Then, by understanding the meaning of each number, using books in particular, "this allows us to take into account the complexity of each one, to highlight our ambivalences, and to make us accept them!" comments the numerologist.

Let's take an example. A consultant has the pairing of 3 and 7 in his personal tree. The 3 invites you to communicate and have an active social life. The 7 loves being in his cave. Is this incompatible? Not really. The consultant must just accept these two facets of his personality, and reserve moments of solitude between other moments of joviality... The same goes for an employee with the duo 9 (collective spirit, need to see people) and 7 ( need to be alone), not easy for him to be in open space all the time for example.

Numerology allows you to live better with yourself and live better with others!

Mistake number 3: Thinking that numerology is not for you because you don't like math!

Numerology has little to do with mathematics, apart from very simple additions (1+1 = 2) there are no complicated formulas to know. It's quite fun to get to know yourself and it can even help you reconcile with maths!