Showing posts with label house number. Show all posts
Showing posts with label house number. Show all posts

Saturday, May 11, 2024

What Your House Address Reveals (II)

House Number 4: the house of stability

Good news for the inhabitants of house “4”, they will feel safe there and will have the impression of being able to carry out many projects to completion. Loyal, diligent, organized... This is what describes the energy of house “4” well. If you plan to expand your family (by adopting a dog, perhaps) or even launch into entrepreneurship, this will be the time to do it. Residents of house “4” often have very concrete ideas and aim for a slow and stable lifestyle. If you are looking for a feeling of freedom... You will be unhappy there.

House Number 5: the house of pleasure

Forget your responsibilities! House “5” is the perfect place to entertain and party. Flexibility, social, freedom well describe this house where everything seems possible. It is also in this house that the greatest ideas will be born and fears will be forgotten. Living fully and without regrets is what awaits the inhabitants of house “5”. It is often a place of transition where you will probably not be able to live your whole life, especially if you want to build a solid and concrete daily life.

House Number 6: the house of beauty

House “6” is ultra warm and filled with love. It’s a beautiful place that will make you want to take on new challenges, like starting your own business or even building your family. If house “6” is perceived as the house of beauty, its inhabitants will have to learn to let go and abandon their perfectionist side. In the “6” house, you will be able to develop and learn to trust your visionary ideas. This home often resembles its inhabitants and will allow them to flourish. It is also said that house “6” is a good place for animals!

House Number 7: the house of introspection

The inhabitants of the “7” house will want to delve a little deeper into their own vision of life. This house, which focuses on tranquility and spirituality, is an ideal place to learn to know yourself better and listen to your intuition. This house focuses on intellectual and perhaps spiritual activities. If you are a writer or professor, you are likely to be perfectly happy in these places.

House Number 8: the house of mone

No doubt, if you are someone who likes attention, you probably live in an “8” house! Financial abundance, authority, control and the completion of projects are at the heart of the atmosphere of this prestigious residence, whose decor is reminiscent of luxury store windows. The inhabitants of house “8” will tend to accumulate many possessions. They are also usually very good with money and, for them, this is a sign of success. Furthermore, they will want to give back to others and will show great generosity. House “8” is also a great place to start your own home business.

House Number 9: the humanitarian house

Change the world, one glass of wine at a time. This is undoubtedly the vibe behind the house “9”. The latter is a place of gathering and pleasure where creativity and positivism come together. The inhabitants of house “9” will want to help those around them and work on their personal spirituality. Love, compassion and the well-being of all are the basic values ​​of this home. Your house is probably your gang's headquarters. We meet there to relax on Sunday afternoon or even to spend a few days there, if we need to recharge our batteries.

Friday, May 10, 2024

What Your House Address Reveals (I)

What if we told you that your civic address could have effects on the energy that revolves around you?

 With a simple numerology calculation of your civic address you could know what your home has in store for you.

To find out the numerological number of your house or apartment, you must first reduce your civic address to a single digit by adding each number in your address until you obtain a single digit.

Here I want to remember what are all the numerical values ​​of the letters:

  • 1 = A, J, S
  • 2 = B, K, T
  • 3 = C, L, U
  • 4 = D, M, V
  • 5 = E, N, W
  • 6 = F, O, X
  • 7 = G, P, Y
  • 8 = H, Q, Z
  • 9 = I, R
For example: you live at 28A Park Avenue. 

Then for 28A  we have : 2 + 3 + 1 = 6 ,     
for Park Avenue  we have : 7 + 1 + 9 + 2  + 1 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 5 = 42, reducing 4 + 2 = 6
Finally, 6 + 6 = 12 and reduced to a single digit 1 + 2 = 3 
Your House Number is 3

Now that you've found your house number, find out what your address numerology has in store for you!

House Number 1: Independence House

Are you a lonely person aiming for a high-level career and have a great need for freedom? You probably live in a “1” house. The energy of this number refers to innovation, ambition, individuality, leadership and above all, independence. It's the ideal place for those who have an active career and always have a new project in motion. If you live in a house with this number, however, you may have difficulty meeting a life partner. However, it can be a good address for those who have just separated and are looking to get back together. Take it and leave it!

House Number 2: the house of love

Do you live in a “2” house? Everything suggests that it is in this house that you will have the best chance of building a solid and harmonious relationship, in love or friendship. However, you should be aware that this little nest will make you want to cut yourself off from the rest of the world and will probably make you more emotional. Also, if you live alone in a “2” house, you might feel sad at the idea of ​​not sharing your daily life with people.

House Number 3: the house of positivism

This house is that of joy, creation and communication. In this house, you will want to socialize and express yourself. It’s the perfect place to create and even start a family! If you live in a “3” house, you will definitely want to participate and organize a host of activities. Be aware, however, that money could slip through your fingers as your projects are too numerous.

(to be continued)