Here are some key words that will allow you to better understand the meaning of your soul number according to the number you obtained in the following calculation.
First of all, see how to calculate your soul number
Of course, nothing stops you from further research to learn more!
Soul number 1: great independence and difficulty asking for help. This soul has a perfectionist and very passionate side.
Soul number 2: a great influence on those around you, characterized by a visceral need to communicate and commune with others.
Soul number 3: a natural charisma punctuated by great optimism and a difficulty in accepting the negative sides of events.
Soul number 4: a soul characterized by a logical mind, a keen sense of responsibility and a pronounced desire for justice.
Soul number 5: an adventurous, courageous, free-thinking soul, who nevertheless has great difficulty creating lasting bonds.
Soul number 6: the desire to create a better, fairer and more equitable world, but also a gentle and very generous character who never leaves others in need.
Soul number 7: a highly intelligent soul, endowed with immense creativity, but also with an introverted side which encourages one to take refuge in spirituality.
Soul number 8: a great desire to succeed coupled with limitless ambition, motivated by the need to improve one's living conditions.
Soul number 9: a soul very little inclined towards the material aspect of things, which rises above the considerations and judgment of ordinary mortals.