Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Heart Part 6: Date of Birth and How Attract Money

attract money
Date of Birth Influences Way to Attract Money - The Heart Part 6

Numerology is becoming more and more popular in people's lives, many choosing to rely on the so-called numbers of destiny, money and inner vibrations. An important aspect of this practice is the discovery of the money figure, which can provide clues as to how the person can attract money and more prosperity into their life. 

This time, I will try to show you how to attract money into your life according to your date of birth. In fact is about how do you actually calculate corectly energy of money - e.g. the number of money.

How you can find out the amount of money based on your date of birth 

Calculating the amount of money is relatively simple and can be done based on your date of birth, because numerology gives us tools we can use. And if we are to go by this symbolism of numbers, in numerology the number of money is the heart part 6. 

In the next we will make a very simple calculation for our followers that shows us what route we should follow to attract money, to make more money.

Eight is indeed the number of money, of abundance rather or of infinite potential, but we are interested in the concrete. 

Calculation formula is very simple: we have date of birth plus 6, that is the energy of money 

Let's have an example, with an individual that was born in day of 17. Then, according to above formula we have

 17 + 6 = 23, then reducing to a single digit 2  + 3  = 5, 5 is energy of money

Depending on the number obtained - energy of money -, the strategy that need to be pursued for attracting money is one of the following

1. Don't sit in the shadows. 

If the result is 1, what they need to do is not follow others. In order to enter the energy of money, they have to come out of the shadow cone, differentiate themselves by something, and self-esteem here makes a very big difference.

2. Team up with others. 

They have to take models from others, be inspired by others, and hang out with the world, because that's when ideas come to them. That's how they charge. 

3. Influence through speech

The most important is the art of speaking. They have to get their message to other people. And when they master this art of speech delivery, they will be able to reach others very easily, no matter what they do. 

4. Develop your intelligence. 

Here the mental is the key to attract money. They must learn to master their mind, how the mind works. Here great attention to the moment when they fall in love, because the mental being the key, if they fall in love irrationally and lose their minds, from that moment they can block their circuit, this niche of possibilities and money narrows. 

5. Routine impoverishes you. 

Routine will impoverish them - these people are not allowed to stay at the same job, on the same salary for years, doing the same thing, but must embrace newness. 

6. Mood sells. 

Mood is most important here. Attitude and balance, because 6 is an area of ​​balance. When they are unbalanced, they will go to excesses, money will not attract them either. 

7. Learn from mistakes. 

They tend to repeat the mistakes of the past and thus will not go higher financially. Because 7 also talks about study, these people should not look at those in their league (…) Try to do the same as them. 

8. Build relationships and use them. 

The relationships, the connections – use your connections, because they can open some really good doors in order to attract money. 

9. Innovate! 

Get inspired by others but don't do the same These people need to innovate. They basically have to be inspired by others, but they don't have to do the same. 

Related to the heart part 6 example, it is important to note that numerology is an esoteric practice and the interpretation of numbers may vary depending on the perspective and experience of each numerologist. However, many people find that this method can provide useful clues to better understand their own potential and make more informed decisions in their financial lives.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Your PERSONAL (soul,destiny) NUMBER - What Is and How to Calculate

personal number
Numerology is the symbolic translation of numbers. Several personal information such as our last name, first name and date of birth make it possible to determine the different numbers that govern our lives. Each of this information can be reduced to a number between 1 and 9 which can be interpreted in different ways.

Numerology allows us to determine:

  • Our personal (destiny or soul) number which tells us about our personality and temperament.
  • Our life path which references a set of strengths and weaknesses
  • The value of our first and second names give us indications about our character, our heritage and our relationships with the outside world.
First of all, to avoid any confusion, we must remember here that there is a Personal Number (PN) and a Personal Year Number (PYN)

PYN is a number that results starting from the day and month in which you were born and the current year (not the year of birth). Because the current year is taken into account, the value of PYN changes every year. See here how PYN is calculated in detail

In contrast, PN - also known as DESTINY or SOUL NUMBER - is completely different. And numerology allows us to determine our personal number which tells us about our personality and temperament.

How to calculate your personal (soul, destiny) number in numerology?

The personal number is calculated based on the letters of your name. 

Let's say your name is JOHN MILNOR

Here are the correspondences between letters and numbers to find out the numbers hiding behind your first and last name.

Number 1: A, J and S
Number 2: B, K and T
Number 3: C, L and U
Number 4: D, M and V
Number 5: E, N and W
Number 6: F, O and X
Number 7: G, P and Y
Number 8: H, Q and Z
Number 9: I and R

Now we can calculate your personal number (PN) by adding the numbers corresponding to the letters of the name:

J = 1, O = 6, H = 8, N = 5 and M = 4, I = 9, L = 3, N = 5, O = 6, R = 9

so 1 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 20 and 4 + 9 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 9 = 36 

then 2 + 0 = 2 and 3 + 6 = 9, 

Finally 2 + 9 = 11, so 1 + 1 = 2  

Your personal number (PN) is 2.

See here the meaning of soul number

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Numerology: what does 2024 represent according to your personal year? (III)

 this is a follow-up of a previous post

Numerology 2024 for personal year 7: the results

It’s the beginning of the “take-back” years, the time to look at what you have accomplished in the previous six and to redress the balance if necessary. Year 7 is often punctuated by annoyances that force us to question ourselves. A period conducive to reflection, awareness, and the quest for meaning. The annoyances are there to invite you to ask yourself the right questions, to restore meaning in your life, to work on your blockages. Faced with an obstacle, there is no need to go for it, you will only reinforce it. If you show humility, questioning and if you learn to let go, year 7 will also bring you its blessings: love, money, opportunities...

Advice: Resenting others without questioning yourself can lead to feelings of anger, frustration, injustice, and even loneliness and isolation. To get out of your blockages and thus be able to realize yourself, work on yourself, invest your inner self.

Numerology 2024 for personal year 8: success

An intense year to live. Your success will depend on what you have sown, created, evolved and questioned in previous years. It is essential that you feel legitimate and in your rightful place. It is then likely that you will experience material success, because the positive 8 attracts money. Otherwise, it is time to realize your value and, if necessary, engage in personal development or building your professional career. It’s time to make a project a reality, to ask for a raise, to work on an exam, to invest money (with caution). Exercise moderation and stay honest.

Advice: If you experience more annoyances than financial successes, it is appropriate to think about your development, to undertake new learning. Once you accept this questioning, it is possible that an unexpected gift will come to you.

Numerology 2024 for personal year 9: the harvest

You complete a nine-year cycle. The time has come to take stock. This “ending” vibration potentially leads to physical and emotional fatigue. You may want to put an end to what no longer suits you (work, relationships, etc.). It’s a bit like if you were on land on which you are scheduled to plant new seeds in 2025. So, before that, you need to clean it and remove the weeds. Your personal year 9 is also that of harvest. Depending on what you have achieved before, the harvest will be good or bad. You can therefore obtain a reward, recognition or experience failure and see a chapter of your life close. The energy 9 being very open to the world, it is an excellent year for traveling and broadcasting a work.

Advice: If you feel on edge and tired, don't isolate yourself. On the contrary, opening yourself to the world and to others will allow you to regain your energy and your good mood.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Numerology: what does 2024 represent according to your personal year? (II)

 this is a follow-up of a previous post

Numerology 2024 for personal year 3: something new

Dynamism and joy are on the program. Communication, exchanges, personal expression and creativity are encouraged. Go out, see people, share your ideas, express yourself whatever your channel of expression (speaking, writing, painting, sport, dance, theater...)

Do not hesitate to integrate into relational networks, traditional or digital, this is the time to achieve synergies and create opportunities. Luck is often present, as long as you provoke it a little! After year 2 of gestation, it can be a year of growth (creation of a business, birth of a project or a child, your own rebirth...). Hence the importance of carefully caring for your contacts and investing in each emotional connection, whether friendly or professional.

Advice: If an old problem resurfaces, now is the time to pay attention to it and resolve it while remaining honest and fair. At the relational level, encourage constructive exchanges.

Numerology 2024 for personal year 4: introspection

Year 4 is conscientious, conducive to work, to building your professional life or family and the consolidation of what you have undertaken previously. This is an ideal time to work on yourself because this energy promotes inner transformation. The 4 also symbolizes stability, everything you put in place will be solid as a rock! Now is the time to devote time to enriching or strengthening your professional skills (training, certified diploma, etc.). But also to overcome your fears (which can be very present in year 4), your blockages and limiting beliefs thanks to different therapies. This year is often accompanied by changes in status (marriage, divorce, retirement or business creation).

Advice: On the one hand, you must work towards your realization so as not to be blocked by your fears and, on the other hand, dare to deconstruct, or even destroy (partnership, work, etc.). A necessity, sometimes, to restart on a healthy basis.

Numerology 2024 for personal year 5: things are moving!

A wind of freedom is blowing through your life. It's time for change. Do you want to move? It's normal. Take the opportunity to travel, try a new sporting, intellectual or spiritual activity. Change the way you look at life. It's the moment to take 180° turns, to move, to review certain habits or attitudes. Be bold, dare to do what you have never done. This very invigorating year will allow you to develop your projects, to innovate, to take a different direction. The energy is very moving and therefore unstable: do not install anything that you want to last. Instead, consider 2024 as a year of transition, of springboard, of positive development.

Advice: Don’t get stuck in your fears or stuck in an uncomfortable routine. Learn to listen to your needs and don’t hesitate to engage in personal work. Otherwise, you risk experiencing a change that you did not choose and which you might not like.

Numerology 2024 for personal year 6: strengthened bonds

2024 should be calmer, soothing because the positive 6 brings its vibrations of harmony, peace, success and... love. You will have a romantic encounter or an existing bond will be strengthened (marriage). It may also be a professional meeting, a new partnership. Depending on what you have achieved in previous years, you will be able to experience success. You may have to deal with more responsibilities at work or at home. This year, put family at the center of your attentions. Take care of those you love, your home (furnish, decorate) and, of course, yourself.

Advice: Faced with your new responsibilities, it is better not to shy away from it. However, it’s not about sacrificing yourself. Learn to be respected, to set limits in order to avoid arguments and conflicts. If a romantic or professional relationship is toxic, this may be the year of separation.

(to be continued)

Friday, April 19, 2024

Numerology: what does 2024 represent according to your personal year? (I)

First of all, you should know that 2024 is an “8” year vibration, one that focuses on health and fitness. 

The prospect is as dynamic and rich in success as it is risky. 

After 2023, year 7, what will be the energy of 2024, year 8?

2024 = 2+0+2+4 = 8. 2024 is indeed a year 8!

We'll try to help you make the most of 2024 based on your personal year thanks to our numerology  experience.

Numerology considers the number 8 to be energetically powerful. So expect to experience intense moments, pleasant or not. This strong vibration is there to allow you to fully realize yourself in each area: personal, professional and material. Gone are the days of doubts, of questioning, of the reflection of year 7. It is the time to take action, to realize a project, to achieve yourself with ambition. 2024 promotes ascension and material success, with condition of respecting two fundamentals:

  • Learn to set your limits and work on self-esteem and
  • Be careful of excesses of all kinds

To maximize the effects of your personal year, it is advisable to learn from what you experienced during the previous twelve months.

Find out in detail what numerology has in store for you for 2024. We will associate the year vibration to Your Personal Year Number. If you want to know what Your Personal Year Number means and How to calculate it, please, see this post.

Numerology 2024 for personal year 1: new beginning!

A new cycle begins and energy returns after an often physically and emotionally tiring personal year 9. There is no longer time to doubt. It's time to sow new seeds to carry out projects that are close to your heart, in line with your deep desires: think about what drives you, start a new love story, start a professional, sporting, intellectual, spiritual activity. You will have understood, this is a year of renewal for you on condition that you decide, act, take initiatives, while being respected. If you are in control of your life, you will cause luck and attract opportunities.

Advice: Too passive, others could decide for you and you could become a spectator of your life. It is essential to get started, take your place, work on your self-esteem so as not to miss the train of luck.

Numerology 2024 for personal year 2: a hatched project

A year that is calmer and more conducive to reflection. This period may be too slow for your taste, but it is necessary because it allows the gestation of an idea, a project, a baby... before hatching in year 3. Your intuition is a good guide, know how to listen to it! Perhaps this is the time for doubts. In this case, ask for help or advice (vibration 2 invites you to be two).

Moreover, your relationships will be at the heart of your concerns. An energy that promotes romantic encounters and professional partnerships. On the other hand, if the climate is tense in your couple or professional duo, this is the year where “it makes it or it breaks”. Yourfemale entourage (mother, sister, friend, colleague) will demand your attention. Make sure you are respected, without violence or aggression.

Advice: Overcome your doubts and take your place, to avoid personal or professional ruptures and feeling anger and a feeling of injustice.

(to be continued)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Your personal year number - What is and How to calculate

As we know, the current year is 2024. Speaking on numerology
2024 => 2+0+2+4 = 8
2024 is indeed a year 8! And this 8 we call vibration of the year
Related to 2023, 2023 => 2+0+2+3 = 7, its vibration is 7

Vibration of the year changes every year. In another words, after 2023, which is an year with vibration 7, the next one, 2024, will an year with vibration 8. And So on ...

Vibration of the year is very important, an we will talk in detail that in next future

For the moment, you must know that numerology considers the number 8 to be energetically powerful. So expect to experience intense moments, pleasant or not. This strong vibration is there to allow you to fully realize yourself in each area: personal, professional and material. Gone are the days of doubts, of questioning, of the reflection of year 7. 

It is the right time to take action, to realize a project, to achieve yourself with ambition. 2024 year promotes ascension and material success, with condition of respecting two fundamentals.

1.TAKE HIS PLACE. Year 8 will be beneficial to you if you have been able to gain respect and legitimacy. Do you suffer from imposter syndrome, you don't give yourself the value you deserve, you have the feeling of being a "victim"? In this case, it is urgent to invest in your personal or professional achievement. Learn to set your limits and work on self-esteem, otherwise you risk living 2024 in the shadow of the 8 and feeling feelings of injustice, frustration and anger.

2.TO BE FAIR. To achieve success, there is no point in going too quickly and using dubious means. The 8 being linked to justice, you risk regretting a wrongdoing. Be careful of excesses of all kinds, especially while driving.

VERY IMPORTANT: To maximize the effects of the year, it is advisable TO BE FAIR and to learn from what you experienced during the previous twelve months. This is the reason for, your personal year changes every year. For instance next year 2025 = 2+0+2+5=9, its vibration is "9".

What is my number this year? Here's how to calculate your personal year

Do you want to calculate your personal year number and thus discover the numerology predictions for your year 2024? Here is the method to follow (very simple):

  1. Add your day and month of birth
  2. Then, reduce the number obtained. You get your soul key.
  3. Add your soul key to the vibration of the universal year then reduce.

Example: you were born on April 8. 8 + 4 = 12. 1+2 = 3. - your soul key is 3

Now add number 8 corresponding to year 2024 vibration

3+8=11. 1+1= 2. Then, your personal year number is 2.

How to calculate your life path in 2024?

As we saw above, the year personal number changes at the beginning of each year. 

With your Life Path the situation is different. Whether you do the math in 2024 or 2040, your life path number will always be the same. As with the astrological sign, it accompanies you throughout your life.

To calculate it, add the day of birth, month of birth and year of birth. Quite simply.

Example: you were born on April 8, 1985. 8+4+1+9+8+5=35. Reduce until you get a single number: 3+5=8. 8 is your life path number.

If you are interested in your life path meaning see this article

If you are interested in the vibrations of your life path, see this the article

Monday, April 15, 2024


Life Path 5

Always in action and adventure, nothing stops you! You are insatiable and always ask for more. Life Path 5 people demonstrate courage, daring and curiosity. They are very social, love to have fun and live in the present moment. Routine and repetitive work are not made for you and your great need for freedom and independence. To be successful, you will need to find a balance between your need for thrills and your responsibilities.

You appreciate beauty, travel and the pleasures of life. Epicureans at heart, you are always active and looking for new experiences. Charming and extroverted, you have ease in your social and friendly relationships. In love, you are seducers, you like to play and you know how to use your wit and your communication skills to get what you want.

His characteristics: extroverted, magnetic, ambitious, impulsive, inconsistent

Life Path 6

Life Path 6 people are dedicated, perfectionists and with a great sense of responsibility. They seek to help others through their empathetic listening and kindness. Their great need for love and recognition from others sometimes pushes them to forget themselves. They appreciate compliments, rewards and having their efforts valued.

On a daily basis, they are people who like calm, harmony and who are very easy to get along with. They are good confidants, helpful and accommodating in their social relationships. In love they are romantic, tender and affectionate. Romantic relationships and family are essential to their happiness.

His characteristics: responsible, sincere, committed, sensitive

Life Path 7

Spirituality, thirst for learning, reasoning and intuition are at the center of life path 7. You appreciate analysis, introspection and your desire to increase your knowledge is infinite. Things, events, people, you need to examine and understand everything. Your quest for perfection leads you to question yourself about spirituality, philosophy, religions and occult sciences.

The path of the philosopher is lonely and quiet, you need to distance yourself from others. Existential questions are more important to you than having a social circle. Thanks to your intuition, you can choose those around you well in friendship as in your love life even if the latter is not always easy and rather irregular.

His characteristics: Wisdom, intelligence, perfectionism, introvert, solitary

Life Path 8

Life path 8 is that of authority, determination and success. They are independent, competitive people who love power and money. Their journey is strewn with pitfalls, but they will succeed thanks to their stubbornness and their ambition. They will have to be reckless and take risks to achieve material success. They are always looking for thrills and cannot tolerate lies and manipulation.

Very demanding of themselves and others, people with the number 8 can sometimes give the impression that they are cold and difficult to approach. In love, they need to merge with their significant other; superficial relationships do not interest them. With the right partner, they will be attentive and will do everything in their power to ensure the emotional security of the other.

His characteristics: Generous, authoritarian, ambitious, affectionate, determined

Life Path 9

Life path 9 is that of creativity, generosity and wisdom. Trustworthy, honest and sensitive, you are people who will succeed in artistic and literary activities. You are also passionate about meeting people and traveling, both spiritual and humanitarian.

You have a lot of compassion for others. You have a strong desire to improve the world and the lives of the people around you. In love, you are looking for a companion with the same interests as you in travel, spirituality and discoveries. Throughout your adventures around the world, you will search for the ideal person, your soul mate.

His characteristics: altruism, intelligence, introverted, generous, utopian